marți, 15 decembrie 2009

Ce obisnuiam sa mancam...

Tatalui meu ii placea dovleacul copt. Niciodata nu ne lipsea din casa, cand era sezon. Daca aveam in familie si alte obiceiuri alimentare, cu alimente bune da' nesanatoase, nu  mi-a fost greu sa le uit. Dar pe asta cred c-am sa-l pastrez...

marți, 24 noiembrie 2009

Kumi Ori

This is one of my favorites songs...

vineri, 13 noiembrie 2009


Canon PS A530
Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Nikon D70
Nikon D70s
Nikon 18-70.
Nikon 18-55 II
Nikon 18-55 VR.
Nikon 50mm f/1.8 AF-D
Tamron 28-75 AF (internal motor) nikon mount

luni, 26 octombrie 2009


Mobil: 0764800363
Email: paulpacurar @ yah00.c0m
ID Messenger: paulpacurar >

miercuri, 23 septembrie 2009

Stand la garsoniera nu avem centrala proprie. Am ajuns sa cam suferim iarna de frig. Am crezut ca se da caldura cum se da. Ne-am gandit umpic doar ca ar fi bine sa curatam caloriferul, sa-l spalam, etc. Imaginea urmatoare e clarificatoare in acest sens:

Teava din imagine a fost taiata cu flexu. In interior se vede cum era format efectiv un dop, iar apa care totusi putea trece, trecea prin milimetrul ramas...

miercuri, 9 septembrie 2009

50 fixul

Am reusit in sfarsit sa cumpar obiectivul de 50mm 1.8 pt. Nikon. Cam asta a fost prima poza. Din raw, cu +/- exp. fuzionata.

From Portraits

luni, 27 iulie 2009

Cluj by night

Cluj By Night - Baritiu

Cluj By Night - Melody

Cluj By Night - Eroilor2

O fantana arteziana creaza o impresie fantastica de lac, in fata cladirii...
Bistro pe Eroilor

luni, 20 iulie 2009



Un lac de acumulare (artificial), dar un peisaj deosebit. Aproape de Cluj, un refugiu minunat.

Barajul este atat de inalt incat mi-a fost frica sa ma uit prea multe secunde peste el. In partea cealalta nu pare atat de periculos...

marți, 14 iulie 2009

SLR Sensor Cleaning

Despre ce e vorba?

Petele de pe senzor nu sunt un accident. Sunt o consecinta NORMALA a utilizarii aparatelor, deoarece praful ajunge inevitabil in interiorul aparatului, mai ales daca obiectivele sunt schimbate frecvent. Chiar daca nu este intotdeauna vizibil, praful de pe senzor poate compromite pozele cand nu te astepti (apare mai ales cand in cadru intra si cerul senin, si la diafragme mai mici - f/8, f/11, f/22...).

Exista praf pe senzorul meu?

Un test simplu de efectuat in orice conditii este urmatorul. Luati o foaie alba de hartie (A4) si tineti-o astfel incat sa fie bine luminata. Cu diafragma setata la o marime mica (minima, adica cu numarul cel mai mare, de ex. f/22) ajustati celelalte setari astfel incat albul sa fie alb. Se poate mari ISO, timpul de expunere sa fie mare (1/10). Focusul nu conteaza, lasati aparatul pe Manual Focus! Dupa ce ati obtinut o poza complet "alba", descarcati-o pe calculator si verificati daca este intr-adevar complet alba... Nu va speriati, este OBISNUIT sa apara pete. Acestea pot proveni si de la lentile, dar si mai probabil de la senzor.

Cat de des trebuie curatat?

Depinde. Daca fotografiati regulat, o curatire saptamanala cu un jet de aer este necesara. Pompa in forma de rachetutza (eu i-as zice mai degraba Zeppelin) este indispensabila oricarui posesor de aparat reflex pentru a-l mentine curat. Praful lasat mai mult timp se poate transforma in particule bine lipite de senzor, care nu vor mai ceda la un simplu jet de aer.


Curat senzorul eficient, sigur (fara alcool sau alte substante chimice, fara zgarieturi sau urme de particule) si rapid. Pret 10 RON

miercuri, 1 iulie 2009


Cumnatu meu a condus toata noaptea spre Herculane. Cand am fost aproape ajunsi, ne-am oprit pt. nevoile "de rutina". Am fixat camera pe patrupedul Sandero si am tras niste expuneri lungi


Unde e munte si e o apa cristalina, orice fotograf asteapta seara pentru a exploata posibilitatile creative (apa "statica" sau in miscare)



Asta e. Pensiunea Charisma. Impecabila. E doar intrarea; sunt 3 cladiri cu etaj.




De aici, de la poalele muntelui incep doua trasee: spre izvorul cerbului si spre cascada.


Inaltimile sunt mari... Si iti trebuie indemanare de alpinist sa ajungi acolo :P


Dupa ploaie si furtuna, va veni o zi mai buna, soarele va straluci mai luminos...

[210mm (~315) nikon 70-210]

Se spune ca la Herculane sunt multe vipere. Mi-ar fi placut sa vad una (intr-un fel...), dar n-am vazut decat soparle - in lunga si neterminata drumetie.


De departe e limpede ca cel mai creativ mod de a face poza unor copii in miscare este folosind "panning"-ul. Mai ales in conditii de lumina slaba, ca si in aceasta seara ploioasa. Dar, desi incepea sa ploua, nepotica mea nu era deloc suparata :D


De ce sa platesti cand poti sa "scapi" mai ieftin? De fapt pe gratis. Langa baltoace era plin de corturi. Unele chiar pe roti...


In satul vecin exista pastravarie. Este deschis pana la ora 3:00 PM. Noi am ajuns dupa 6:00, dar pana la urma am obtinut ce-am dorit




La venirea din Baile Herculane ne-am dorit mult sa nu fie soare. A fost si n-a fost. Pentru o fotografie, norii pot sa fie cel mai mare ajutor prin frumusetea culorilor pe care le produc in peisaje


miercuri, 17 iunie 2009


dSLR sensor cleaning

I found this link very useful to instruct a self-cleaning sensor method.

Mechanical Watch Revision

Remove dust from dSLR camera lenses

(inspired by this discussion )

I bought my equipment from internet and it was second hand. The 18-70 nikon kit lens had some annoying dust inside, so I've decided to investigate if it was possible to clean it. And it was!


The tricky part was to file the shape of the nails so that they can enter into the narrow space of the front part of the lens. I'm not sure if my tool is the best result (it should only be one piece of wood, but my had broken too many times...), but it worked. Actually, with two "active" nails, and only one in the middle, the two mobile pieces of wood can change the diameter of the tool (tricky, isn't it?) if you think to use it on different lenses. I hope you can make it ;)

Be aware! I've scratch the lens a little, you have to be very careful, especially when you open the lens for the first time. You can use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust.

It is your responsibility for all these operations, of course :D

Lucruri ce-ti fac viata mai usoara

Aici sunt cateva lucruri ce merita impartasite. Poti contribui si tu cu ceva; daca stii, spune-mi.

Mozilla + plugin-ul AddBlock Plus
si ai scapat definitiv de puzderia suparatoare si sacaitoare de reclame ce apar pe majoritatea paginilor...

sâmbătă, 13 iunie 2009


Sample images for maaaany lenses...

Find nice fonts and many for FREEEEE!!!....

vineri, 12 iunie 2009



this is my niece


This little girl was very restless. I tried to follow her to get at least one still shot. I though I've missed all the shots. Till I got home...

Baile Herculane.


La Ade & Boggy in garso

miercuri, 10 iunie 2009


Focus problem?

This page describes - among others (try some googleing) - how to adjust your d70 SLR to achieve good, reasonable autofocus. It might apply to other SLRs too. Read it carefully!

Also google for what is called a Focus Test Chart in order to know if you need such calibration, or to test if you set things up properly.

marți, 9 iunie 2009



I was a sunny Sunday. I woke up very early, yet the summer seemed to be very decided to fulfill all the day with it's warmth. The sun was filling these flowers with overwhelming light...


Almost everyone has flowers like these. But this fact doesn't make them less beautiful...


Struggling with focus...


marți, 2 iunie 2009

La Somes


marți, 26 mai 2009

A family weekend

In this bright sunny day, I insisted that my wife should wear a hat for sun protection. This leaved in focus her beautiful lips...

My Wife

My niece is really cute. But she's very restless. A caught this wonderful portrait of her in a precious second, when my future brother in law Boggy was holding an improvised reflector from the car; it worth!


Everyone was preoccupied with different things: the fire for the BBQ, the salad, washing, playing. Having grease on my hands, I grabbed my camera and tried several shots. As I was in a hurry, and others were moving, it was a challenge to clearly focus the camera. After a little post processing, I became very proud of this "unsuccessful" portrait.


marți, 12 mai 2009


EVERYONE of us is - more or less - suffering from a mental – let’s say “imperfection” (instead of disease). Medical students which analyze real cases symptoms remain frighten when they see those symptoms existing in their own personality as well. I don’t take this as an excuse. I’m afraid not to get worser. I pray I’ll always overcome this issue in my life; I can see’it present many times:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

- has a grandiose sense of self-importance,
- is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success,
- believes that he or she is “special,”
- requires excessive admiration,
- has a sense of entitlement,
- is interpersonally exploitative,
- lacks empathy; is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others,
- is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him,
- shows arrogant, haughty behavior or attitudes.

(Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)

joi, 23 aprilie 2009

Nature Revival

The spring has established now and let's place for the summer to come. This passover was spend in Jibou, near the nature which seems to say:
"Christ has risen!"
"He has risen, indeed!"



marți, 24 martie 2009




miercuri, 18 martie 2009



On the road...


O râpa palpitanta, la somesul rece, in apropiere de Cluj

luni, 16 martie 2009

@ work

Tree near my office - time to go home

Asa se vede pe fereastra de la firma la care lucrez...

Somesul Rece

Crowd of trees

O armata intreaga de... copaci. Static, dar in acelasi timp plin de viata...

marți, 3 martie 2009

Alaska Landscape

Alaska Landscape
Originally uploaded by paulpacurar

marți, 24 februarie 2009

Din fereastra de la scoala...

in timpul unui laborator in "obs". Aparatul tinut in mana. Din cateva incercari am scos si poza asta care mi-a placut foarte mult.

luni, 23 februarie 2009


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